If you don’t know what you want, then you don’t have clear access to sustainable motivation for anything you choose to do in life.
— Rev. Brig Feltus
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What do you want? As we begin to peel back the veils to access a path of mastery in the act of manifestation of a lovable life, it’s important to develop a keen self awareness of exactly what our definition of a lovable life really is.

During this course you will learn Fear and Desire Inventory, and the Sensation Game, which are exercises that will fine tune your awareness of self, and aid you in day to day life with being able to make choices on the fly, with the conscious understanding of what motivates you. When you are mindful of what motivates you, then your critical thinking is improved. When your critical thinking is improved then you are able to make better choices in the way you interact with the world around you, and with yourself. You become less driven by whims, upsets, discomfort, preferences, aversions, compensatory wants, fears, self doubt, perception of lack, etc... These are the elements of the ego mind that we do not want running the show. Look around you at the world. And think about the things you set out to do. Life is lived as a series of games that we are invited to play as part of our ascension. And so we start with the game of Desire. Desire is very important. It works like a GPS, giving us directions, telling us what we need in order to be on purpose in life.

True Desires and compensatory desires are not one and the same. A true desire comes from Source through the Higher Self.
— Rev. Brig Feltus

A True Desire literally tells us where to go. It is an instruction, a motivation, a prompt, from the Higher Self that has us become aware of some essential something that we need experience in order to walk our path masterfully.

True Desire functions very much like hunger, for example. Hunger is a sensation of desire that you feel when your body needs fuel. True Desire is that. That sensation you feel when you’re not hungry but have an urge to eat something? That is compensatory. If you’re not hungry but craving food, then the sensation is compensation for something else you need… like comfort, or pleasure, relief from anxiety, for example.

It’s important to be able to tell the difference between actual True Desire and compensation. In reference to hunger, for example. You can feel hungry because your body needs fuel, AND you can have a compensatory drive to eat something for pleasure, comfort, or to feed your “hungry ghost.” A hungry ghost is a character in Chinese Buddhism and Chinese traditional religion representing those who are driven by intense emotional needs in an unconscious way. Compensatory desires are always substitutes for a True Desire. We have compensatory desires mostly when we either don’t know how to access a True Desire, or we believe that the compensation is the way to access the True Desire, OR we don’t believe we can have the True Desire and we’re settling for the substitute.

True desire is a premonition. It is a pre-knowledge…an inkling, of that which we don’t know that we already have.

True desire is a premonition. It is a pre-knowledge…an inkling, of that which we don’t know that we already have.

True Desires do not require reason or logic or explanation. They serve the greater good, and they are almost ALWAYS, existential and experiential in nature. A True Desire will be something along the lines of the following: Love, Peace, Connection, Restoration, Encouragement, Rest, Sleep, Exercise, Nurturing, Grounding, Expansion, Growth/Transcendence, Vulnerability, Inspiration, Wisdom, Stability, Purpose, Abundance, Power, Joy/Enjoyment. A compensatory desire does not come from the Higher Self. Often we use it as a bypass created in the mind, via conditioning, emotions, misinformation, or habituated ways of thinking. It is typically a focus on physical or mental realm material things. And because in Metaphysics we do not ascribe to binary morals of “right” or “wrong,” and instead we acknowledge that everything has its toxic and its exalted form of expression, we do not deem compensatory desire as wrong. We just deem it as not being the definition of True Desire of the Higher Self. It may even be the first and most confronting notification we receive that lets us know that we need something.

Desire inventory helps us to get to what that something is. And the compensatory desire might actually be a vehicle that helps to gain access. But remember the outcome of acquiring something compensatory is temporary. Compensatory desire doesn't lead to anything sustainable. It will not provide you with those Higher Self Desires in a way that you can repeatedly access, over the course of a lifetime. In fact, we all know that often, as soon as you acquire the compensation, you might have a flash of that happiness, joy, peace, etc... but it’s gone in a flash. When that happens, it is because we have not consciously committed ourselves to accessing the True Desire and instead we’ve focused too intently on the compensation and maybe even used methods of acquisition that full on block us from the True Desire that thing is compensating for. It is important in every decision to be aware of how you think about what you want. Use Desire inventory to get clear about what the underlying thing is, and then be mindful of this along the way to acquiring the compensatory thing. It’s not the thing that sustains or satisfies you. And at more advanced levels of your ascension you will find that the compensatory things are less and less necessary as tools and crutches. You’ll find that no matter the physical or material plane condition, you always have everything you could ever want. And if this is true (and I believe it to be so) then we must look at what is getting in the way of our access to those True Desires. This is where our next advanced pose, Integrity comes in...