Influence and manifestation are one and the same.
— Rev. Brig Feltus
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Manifestation is the Cause part of the principle of Cause and Effect. You do not exist in a vacuum. Everything you do, everything you think, every move you make has influence over everything else. The first important distinction I want to offer you from my thoughts around influence, is the definition of relationship.

re·la·tion·ship/noun: the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.

ANYTHING you interact with, you have a relationship with. And you interact with EVERYTHING. As the definition/etymology states, relationships are with a person, an object, a circumstance, or even a idea. And the wording of the definition says that a relationship is the WAY in which two things are connected or the state of two things being connected. The relationship is not the connection itself, but rather, the WAY of expression or ATTRIBUTES of that connection. I’m trusting this makes sense to you what I’m getting at here. Semantics are important in manifestation. Words have meanings. And even though it seems like we just made a bunch of words up, they are rooted in a very complex system, with metaphysical lineage that began with the organization of sounds. And some of those primitive sounds, by the way, we are still using today, UNIVERSALLY understood, no matter where you go. For example “oh” is universal. So is, “ah.” So is “mmmm....” or “ow.” In every language. And this is true because expression through vocal sound is representing a measure or distinction of something. Words are simply organized sounds that originated, at some point, with universal meaning. And recently in this past few months it has been determined by science that all languages can be traced back to one language that stemmed from, where? You bet. Africa, of course. Science has a way of catching up with the ancient teachings eventually. But I digress.

Language is not random. And while we have, for the last couple thousand years truly corrupted this, it still remains true, and it is having a huge unseen impact on the integrity of humanity and our planet, that we are out of integrity with it. Misuse, abuse, and corruption of verbal expression causes metaphysical/spiritual, psychological, intellectual, and even physical disintegration. Remember words are expressing something through the organization of vocalized sound. This is why the word “SPELL” which we use in metaphysics or other esoteric teachings for a conjuring ritual, is the same word we use to describe the act of communicating the components of a word. You can find more information about the metaphysical power of words here.

As you see, and as is true with all of creation, even with our language, everything has purpose and order, even though we reject, neglect, or misuse it. And even time, numbers, and math are forms of language. Now think about how completely basic our miseducation has been. All communication is about manipulation. All language is casting spells. We speak in order to manipulate the listener. This is always true. Everything I’m writing in this particular essay is a manipulation of your knowledge center. I’m hopefully adding information to it, that will have an impact on the way you think and perceive the world around you, as well as how you see yourself. If I were to tell you that I’m hungry, I’m either intending for you to do something about it, or at least empathize with my condition. If I tell you about the hawk I saw flying overhead at the park the other day, I’m attempting to have you share in the experience, a bonding manipulation.

All language is manipulation. And we are so accustomed to thinking about the word “manipulation” as being negative, that we forget that manipulation also has an actual etymology whose root is mani, which means “hand.” To manipulate is to handle something or someone in a skillful way. That doesn’t have to be negative. A healer is skilled at manipulation. A good teacher is great at manipulation. A leader is also skilled at manipulation. The word itself has a meaning that is neither “good” nor “bad.” And, as with all of creation, there is a toxic and an exalted form of EVERYTHING. So, language, is manipulation...for better or worse. And when we speak our words have direct impact on everything around us, including our own body (because, contrary to the way we think of it, our body is actually a part of our external sitting in a car). Perhaps you are familiar with Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work using words to manipulate the structure of water...

For the purposes of this particular leg of your journey, I just want to bring it to your attention that we have been taught to be very careless and indulgent, and irreverent with our words. How we use language is a part of practicing integrity. I urge you to be curious about the words you use. Start a hobby of studying etymology. Become more conscious about the spells you’re casting. It is one of the ways that you can begin to decrease the experience of randomness in your life by being more on purpose in the influence your words have over your experience of yourself, of other human beings, and the rest of the world around you. I will continue this particular line of thought with our next Advanced Pose, which will be Making Meaning.