Thank you for pushing through whatever you had to push through to bring you here to this moment, where you are willing to become who you need to be in order to have the life you wish to have. And I want to thank you in advance for accepting this invitation. I can tell you right now, for some this next piece is not going to be “pleasant.” If you thought the first two lessons were uncomfortable, this one is going to put you squarely outside of your comfort zone for sure, and possibly even close to having real palpable objections.
I implore you, DO NOT BE EASILY thwarted. Allow yourself to get right up against the border between that uncomfortable place and the place where continuing is non-negotiable, if that’s what it takes, because you’re going to have to expand your capacity for embracing discomfort and making it work for you. Ask for support. It might be time to set up some private one-on-one sessions with me. And remember that what we’re doing here is learning how to get out of the way, because that’s all there is.
YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT. I bet that sounded really dreamy when you first read it. But note that it is worded in the present tense. Right now, you have everything you want. All of it. And so then, what you have to come to terms with, is the fact that if you’re not experiencing this as truth, then you either don’t really want what you say you want, OR there is something blocking you from the experience of having it. Either way, this particular Deep Dive is meant to help you get super clear about this.
Desire is like your GPS. It is not to be confused with hungry ghosts, craving, coveting, or compensatory wanting. True Desire is a tool of the Higher Self, meant to steer you towards what already belongs to you, FOR THE SERVICE OF YOUR PURPOSE FOR EXISTING. If your desire has nothing to do with that, it is most likely compensatory in nature, a construct of the ego, and thus, will not satisfy. I repeat this part here, because you really have to let this one sink in...
I promise you this, on everything I hold dear and true. And ultimately, we want to be satisfied, right? So, the magic word here is TRUTH. YOU ALREADY HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT **IN TRUTH**. There is nothing more important than this distinction. If you have trouble with discerning the difference between a compensatory desire and a true desire of your Higher Self. Then break it down and ask yourself why do you want it? What does it serve? What will it cost? Is it worth what it will cost? Can it sustainably provide a desired outcome (happiness, peace, joy, love, connection, etc...)over the long term? Is it attached to conditions? If you can’t answer these, or you don’t like the answers you have for these questions, rethink your desire and dig deeper.
There is no right or wrong in this work. There is only what resonates as being in alignment with the truth and serves the greater good for self and others, OR what does not. So the first thing I want to have you do is consider relinquishing the paradigm of right vs. wrong. There is no right or wrong. Good and bad are oversimplified ways of moralizing whether something aligns with the truth/natural laws and serves the greater good. Period. We are not spinning a fairytale here. We are cleaning up our thoughts and actions so that they align with what we’re here to do. And we will be taking this all the way, through layer after layer of the filters this false paradigm creates, because you can’t see what’s there if you don’t peel back the veils.
So, as a practice in being in INTEGRITY what I’m going to ask you to do is be very open about any of the following sensations when they arise in you: guilt, shame, embarrassment, cognitive dissonance, superiority, inferiority, pursuit of equality, fear of missing out, confusion/lack of clarity, defeat, self doubt, fear of failure, resistance to giving/receiving/dependency/independence, prejudices, resistance to a challenge, contempt for self or others, distraction, perception of lack, irritation, resentment, powerlessness, commanding preferences or aversions, loss of control, the urge to check out or quit, regret, jealousy, etc... And I’m going to ask you to do so with the clear understanding that these are the potential killers of your dreams, and they must be acknowledged as present before you can realize those dreams.
The next piece I want to discuss here is around goal setting and intention setting. You may set some pretty large goals. And I say that with full agreement that anything is possible. I want to impress upon you the importance of sobriety in setting goals. If the desire you expressed is super huge, like... it would be a miracle to pull off, and, if in order to pull it off, you’re going to have to perform several other huge miracles first, AND if you didn’t describe yourself as 100% committed, I’m going to recommend you consider tweaking or altogether changing your goal right now or choosing to be more dedicated to it. Think it over, and go back and review the first two lessons before moving on to this next section.
You may set what feels like slightly superficial goals, and I say that with full understanding that I’m speaking to you from where I live way far away from my comfort zone, where most of your challenges will possibly appear to me as easy. I encourage those of you who set slightly superficial goals that won’t require much challenge or learning, to dig deeper into your desires and choose something that feels more difficult, even if it’s something related to the goal you already chose. Let’s get real clear about what we really want. This is your one chance to back out, revise, correct, refine during the course work. So that brings us to this Deep Dive list of challenges.
Review the first two lessons and their exercises. Make sure that you are clear and satisfied with what you claim to desire and why you desire it. Revise, narrow, redefine, streamline if necessary. Write any changes in your journal, and confirm to yourself that you are standing by your choice to manifest the original desire you shared. You may already feel defeated by this challenge. But I really want your commitment to be to your greater good, not to an idea or a thought or a compensatory thing because you don’t know if you can actually have what you truly want. Sustainably satisfying living is possible. But as with anything else, there are natural laws that apply to that possibility. Of this you must be clear, so rethink if necessary and don’t be afraid to revise if need be.
You should be clear if you are here at this instruction! Congratulations, this is an achievement worth acknowledging because knowing what you desire is challenging. It may be the number one blockage to having the ability to experience manifestation. So CONGRATULATIONS!!!
NOW, I would like to invite you to do a writing exercise to expound upon this desire. In a thousand words or less, and starting with a clear statement of your desire (“I desire______. If I have _______ then _______”), and then a vividly described imagined vision for what it would look like to realize it through manifestation. That means, what does it look like, taste like, smell like, feel like, sound like? Where is it? Who benefits from it? What are its physical attributes in terms of space and time? What impact does it have in the world? What does it feel like to be in the realization of it. What are the emotions and physical sensations that you feel while writing about each element of it? What do you hope the outcome of realizing this desire will provide you? And so on...
It is very important that you create for yourself a container of accountability that includes letting people know you have a goal you’re trying to meet, and the self-activation that stating this “out loud” provides. Again, you’ll have to trust me here, and not be so afraid of embarrassment or failure that you resist doing things that will anchor and hold you accountable. Take your time with this writing assignment. Then share it with me and 2 other people whom you love and trust to cheer you on. If you need to protect an intellectual property usual general terms to describe what it is... For example, writing about a desire to start a business does not require you to divulge what that business is, or what the product is. You can complete this without compromising the integrity of your progress.
NOW. All of that said, in the process of writing this, you may find that you change your mind, or have a different perspective about what you desire. If this happens, STOP. Go back, and start from #1 and clarify your desire one more time. :)Make a list of 5 people within 2 degrees of separation (meaning you know them personally, or someone you know knows them personally) who you are willing to call on to request mentorship. If there is 2 degrees of separation, request that your 1 degree person introduce you to the 2nd degree person. The goal is to have 2 mentors who are willing to have a standing FaceTime or Skype conversation with you, for 30-60 minutes each week. These mentors must either have what you want OR have clear and measurable expertise in getting what you want.
And here is where you’ll get to practice humility in the zen form (see the bonus video from the Advanced Pose Humility Practice), and observe when one or all of the 3 forms of conceit show up in your subtle energy body and thoughts. Notice when you’ve been thinking about not being worthy of a mentor’s time or other such thoughts of inferiority, superiority, or even the assertion of equality.
Think about replacing these thoughts with a willingness to receive the support and guidance you need, and prepare yourself to be open to that despite any misgivings and fears around trusting the advice of others. Choose your mentors with discernment and exquisite attention to alignment with your desire and purpose. Use the information from your writing assignment to explain to potential mentors what you’re doing, and if they are interested in supporting you, ask them the following questions... a) are you happy with your life? b) did achieving this thing make you happier with your life in a sustainable way? c) what was the easiest and/or hardest part of your journey to achieve this? d) if you could go back in time and send 3 pieces of advice to yourself what would it be? And think about what’s in it for them, if they accept the invitation.
Don’t schedule the regular calls just yet, if they agree. For now just offer the invitation, and if they agree let them know you’ll get back to them. If they decline, just say thank you and move on to the next.