“All forms of self-oriented comparative thinking is conceit. Contrary to common belief, this includes the assertion of inferiority, self deprecation, and assertion of equality. True humility is cultivated through the consciousness of our Oneness with the All. ”
*** It is advised that you complete these lessons in order. Please complete previous Advanced Poses prior to this one.
In order to collaborate with the universe in the act of manifestation, we must learn how to surrender to trusting The All, to put aside ego and trust that all is in order, and we were created with access to everything we need. When we lack humility, we lack awareness of our oneness with The All. And that unconsciousness is what hinders our ability to manifest what is ours to manifest. Practice humility in everything. Humility is practiced Oneness. We are one with everything.
Conceit is self focus. There are many forms of self focus. But for the purposes of this course, let’s consider how difficult it is to truly connect with the world around us when we are in a mindset that focuses on comparing everything with ourselves. Conceit is not limited to self focused arrogance. It is any mental complex that orients you to compete for superiority or equality with others. It is the foundational source of the creation of separatism. And while the ability to compartmentalize is an important tool of survival in the physical plane, we must remember that we also possess the ability to consider ourselves as one with everything in the universe, and the latter is just as important, if not more important, than the former.
In order to be at peace we must be mentally agile enough to remember our oneness with all. A conscious state of oneness cultivates self confidence, as you observe the practice of being present in oneness. Oneness mindset allows us more access to information about the world beyond ourselves, and reduces the need to assert competitively. It allows us to experience access to all that we need, a perception of abundance.
Humility eliminates various forms of disintegration that we otherwise suffer regularly.
Fear is not discernment of danger. Be clear about that. Fear is based in the idea that you are finite. This is a disintegration from, or a denial of the nature of The All. You are part of The All, and The All, by definition, is infinite. You are therefore infinite. “But Rev, the body dies.” Yes, the body dies, but you are not the body, and death is not an end, it is a transformation of physical form. Even the very matter that you are made of never completely disappears. “Yes, but it’s not **ME** anymore.” Well, my Love, neither are you, **YOU*** right now. What you name “me” is but an identity. And yes, your identity is finite and changes with external conditions. You see, so a fear of being finite goes against the truth that you are infinite. But most fear is even more exaggerated than this. Fear of looking bad or wrong. Fear of loss/lack. Fear of powerlessness. All of these are stemming from thoughts we engage which are out of integrity with universal truths. And our indulgence of these thoughts is a rejection of universal truth. So ultimately it is arrogance rather than humility. Because how can we know better than The All? The exalted mentalism here would be discernment, which comes from observation, rather than a negative fantasy that presumes you can predict something bad is going to happen next.
Self Doubt All forms of self doubt are breaches in integrity. There is always a way. And you have access to everything you need at all times. If you accept this then you will trust Higher Source to provide. When you doubt yourself, you doubt Higher Source. You are capable of more than you think. Questioning this is to question the order of the entire Universe. Again, an arrogance that you know better than God.
Perception of Lack If you are one with The All then how can you lack anything? This too, is a lack of humility.
Habituated Behavior is addiction to ways of being, sets of circumstances, experiences. Addiction is compensatory and it’s how we feed the “hungry ghosts” in our psyche. Not only is it dismissive of the ebb and flow, and natural progression of change, it is defiant of access to the full range of life’s pendulum swing according to the Principle of Rhythm. It is a function that attempts to control the uncontrollable, and it shifts you from a state of empowerment into a state of powerlessness. A habituated behavior or addiction is conditioned. That means that it is repeated enough times that it becomes a seemingly unconscious way of being, even it when it’s not at all natural, because you become acclimated to it as your norm.
Preference and Aversion If you are fixated on your preferences and aversions, and you allow them to define your choices, then you are attached to your comfort zone, and avoiding discomfort and challenge. When you live this way, you create circumstances that cause the arrested development of your spiritual, mental, and physical evolution. It requires you to override the callings that invite you to play infinite games, so that you can fixate on trying to sustain finite games....which, by definition, being finite, cannot be sustained. This is fear based habituation. As long as you are in the flesh, you will never find solutions to everything, and no one way, method, iteration is permanent. You cannot avoid feeling preference or aversion. That’s not the point. It’s attachment to preference and aversion that impedes natural flow and keeps you from exploration and discovery. Allow yourself to be more open to trying different things. It’s important to understand that this habituation is a behavioral addiction, and like all addictions, it is most likely caused by a deficiency of access to a true desire in your life.