1. Mirroring One of the most basic ways that you can practice humility is to envision yourself as one with anyone you interact with. Choose to see them as your mirror, as an opportunity to see parts of yourself reflected back to you in ways you cannot otherwise see in yourself.  This is especially good when dealing with conflict or unpleasant exchanges, but is equally important in positive experiences as well, in order to condition the mind to the idea that we are an infinite range of qualities spanning the darkness and the light. Remember your oneness with the entire Universe… all of humankind, plants, animals, minerals, elements, sky, earth, stars, moon, etc… Remember this. You’re not small, you’re infinite.

  2. Yes Practicing accepting the invitations which the Universe delivers to you is a huge factor in powerful living. When presented with challenges, or inspirations to do great things, or invitations to explore or try something new, you should consider being a “YES.” This is especially true about those things you fear doing, but you know are a clear source for a True Desire of the Higher Self.

  3. Ho’oponopono is a wonderful practice that reminds of the way to reconciliation and forgiveness, both of which are vital to any humility practice. You can find out more about this practice here. There are also many meditation videos on this practice on youtube. Find one you like and use it.

  4. Please, Thank You, and Consent are three basic concepts in communication which we learn very early in life, and then right after we learn them, Western Society begins to program us against these practices. Ask for consent often. When offering advice, opinion, or even information, ask the person if you may offer it. Respect other people’s personal space. Ask permission to enter, use, or even observe things that don’t belong to you, or that you’re not a part of. Don’t assert your opinion about things you only have an opinion about, especially in the presence of those with actual experience and knowledge of the topic. Say “Thank you,” often. Whenever someone shares something intimate, or personal about themselves, their thoughts, their feelings, their desires, or fears, etc… say “Thank you,” because it’s not easy these days to be vulnerable. When someone expresses a criticism or complaint, you don’t have to take it to heart, but you can, if you know it was offered in good will, and not mean spirited, simply say, “Thank you,” because it is also a vulnerable act to offer a kind hearted criticism to someone you care about despite the fear of their reaction.

  5. Amplify the Voices of Others Do this often. Even if you are one of those people who is trying to get over being silenced yourself, it’s really good to amplify the voices of others, as a counterbalance to your healthy assertion of your own voice. And there are most likely always people who get heard from less than you, and who deserve to be heard.

  6. All is Full of Love Yes, all. The universe is always conspiring in your favor, so, no matter what’s happening in your life, it is possible for you to choose to perceive every experience as a gift of love from the Universe. When that experience feels negative, or challenging, or triggers upset in you, the love you’re receiving is an awareness of an opportunity to heal something in you, or grow/expand beyond your current ways of thinking and being. This is a beautiful practice. Give it a try and see how much more creative you’ll become in those situations. And don’t forget to give THANKS to the All, no matter what!